We are born, as a human, already en-lightened... look at any/every baby, and clearly their light shines through the form...
Conditioning happens to us... (this is 'complex'... because it is coming from every encounter with another human being or groups of humans... society, the collective egoic unconscious...etc... (though this is all 'lightening up' now... so children being born, now/currently/contemporarily, have the opportunity of not receiving 'as dense an ego/pain body' as previous generations...so to speak...)Once, I myself, go through the process of dis-identification with ego/pain body... then the light of consciousness is seen in every person... clearly...
it is just a natural law, so to speak... that the person suffering in poverty, is more transparent, for this light to beam outwardly, from withIn...
I can see the light, as more of a 'potential' in a rich person... depending on what the definition of rich is... are they squandering their material wealth?... or are they working with their money wealth for the greater good of human beings...
in both cases, the beings are the same... the human experience is the only difference, and grace happens to bring awareness ... albeit, it may take more 'clock' time in the squanderer, depending on how they receive the wake-up call, I can't know that...neither can they...lol
the degree of glow, is the only apparent difference, on the level of form... and essentially, it matters not whether someone else awakens, only I can awaken...and recognize the light withIn everyone...
everyone exchanges the same energy (of "enlightenment")... all the time, continually, without effort, and automatically....heart to heart)... the gift, is awareness, to be enJoying Life/Love...and at the same time, feeling the compassion deep in the same heart for all human suffering...
the poor person who suffers, on the physical level, is providing me with the gift of their blinding/burning light that consumes the darkness of ego, or the illusion of separation... through their presence with their own suffering...
every encounter, in the physical or via cyber space, tv, etc.... every encounter... serves awakening
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