True Nature

a reflection on the Great Heart
for the greater world-at-large community...
to no one and everyone

every act we make is a mis-understanding
...every judgment, every criticism, every act of violence, every war
the entire spectrum from thoughts to actions

We are born, innocent beings
Innocence never leaves us
it is only covered over with thoughts and concepts that our dysfunctional minds have imagined to be true

Now, we are experiencing a transformation of consciousness

Many are waking up to the Truth of who we Real-ly Are
only unconsciousness has separated us from this knowing
only thoughts [and acting on those thoughts]... create pain and suffering for ourselves
and for others

yet... there ARE no 'others'... in Reality...
We Are Love, Itself
We Are Innocence, We Are Consciousness, We Are the Endless Universe

See Yourself as the Baby, the Child that is Ever Present in Your Heart
This Child Is Here, and Never Leaves You...
Embrace Your Child, Remove the Bandages from Your Heart

the Great Heart Surrounds You with Love
only Love